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Foundry Technology

Edition: 2nd
Stock Availability: In stock

Category: Engineering Books BSc in MME : Materials And Metallurgical Engineering

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Page Quality- Offset Yellow Page Print (Kornophuli)
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Title Foundry Technology
Publisher Butterworth-Heinemann
Edition 2nd
No. Of Pages 719
Country UK
Language English
Description The production of a revised edition of Foundry Technology was encouraged by a sustained demand for the book despite many changes in processes and products since the appearance of the original edition, which has been out of print for several years. The intervening period has seen major transformations in the foundry industry and its products and supporting organizations. In this new edition the aim has been to update the book without losing its identity. The original framework was found useful by many readers and has been retained, but every effort has been made to accommodate changes of emphasis in various aspects of metal casting. Much new material has been introduced, especially in those chapters dealing with production processes and product characteristics. This has not, however, been at the expense of the basic principles of moulding and other operations which underpin more recent progress. One rapidly developing aspect, shared with other fields of activity, is the application of the computer in areas ranging from process modelling and prototyping to plant operations. The subject of modelling is reviewed from a potential user perspective, mainly in the context of solidification and feeding and using specific examples. The broader treatment of methoding retains the original emphasis on the still widely accepted Chworinov–Wlodawer approach to the understanding of casting soundness. Rapid prototyping too is surveyed as an important advance in the overall design to production sequence. The growing significance of environmental and health issues has been recognised with the addition of a separate new chapter. In considering design matters attention has been given to modern approaches to materials selection. As in the original work frequent reference is made to British Standards, where major changes have occurred, including increased coordination with international standards: a fully revised appendix reflects the replacement of long familiar numbers with new designations and changes in content. Additional references to the literature reflect the continued active roles of the Institute of British Foundrymen and the American Foundrymen’s Society, the output of numerous conferences and working groups, and the emergence of new journals. Many of the original references have nevertheless been retained for their direct links with a classical and fruitful period of progress in work on casting problems. The author acknowledges willing help from many sources with the practicalities of producing this revised edition. Special thanks are due to those individuals, firms and organizations who have provided illustrations, separately credited, demonstrating the outstanding capabilities of the industry. In this respect I am especially grateful to Dr. Michael Ashton, Chief Executive, for advice and help from the Castings Development Centre. I also thank Dr David Driver for authorizing use of particular aerospace examples. I owe much to the interest and encouragement of former colleagues and research students at the University of Leeds over a prolonged period and also to many years of working contacts and discussions with fellow practitioners in the wider field of metal casting: Professor John Camphell, Cyril McCombe and the late Dr Voya Kondic are representative of many friends with whom I have had fruitful contacts in varied capacities and aspects of the subject. I am indebted to Dr Michael Willison, Environmental Management Consultant, for valuable comments on a draft of Chapter 11. My family has been a source of encouragement thoughout the production of this edition. My special thanks are due to my son John of Avesta Sheffield for his perceptive comments and for practical help and advice beyond price. My wife Jean has been a constant support during production and a valuable helper in the assembly of the product. Note on units. The dual system of units as employed in the original edition has been retained, but in reverse order to reflect the full adoption of the SI system: bracketted Imperial values are thus included where appropriate. Some original illustrations based on the latter system have been retained unchanged. - Butterworth-Heinemann

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